Who Is Destiny Church Hamilton?
Destiny Church Hamilton is based in the heart of the Waikato. Destiny Church has church locations across New Zealand and Australia, and various Iwi Tapu satellite sites across the world.
Pastor John Ferris & Pastor Ali Ferris
The passion and love that Pastors John and Ali Ferris have for people is undeniable. From their early days as associate pastors in Nelson, to now leading the church here in the Waikato, they have continued to manifest and establish the love and hope of God. Restoring families and bringing healing to the community is what drives John and Ali to do what they do. They have been married for over 25 years, have 3 daughters and have recently welcomed their first grandson.
Pastors John and Ali are the spiritual sons of Apostle Brian and Pastor Hannah Tamaki who are the Apostles and Senior Ministers of Destiny Churches International.
“We count it a privilege to be the Apostolic extension in the Waikato and honoured to serve under such an incredible couple and ministry. The spirit of revelation that our Apostle carries, the integrity and love for God’s house and people are astounding. We fully support and believe in their vision”

Apostle Brian Tamaki & Pastor Hannah Tamaki
The fruit of Apostle Brian Tamaki and Pastor Hannah Tamaki’s 37 years in ministry is evident around them, and through the redemptive and creative impact Destiny Church has in Auckland, New Zealand and the world for Jesus Christ.
Apostle Brian with his wife Hannah, are the leaders of New Zealand’s most prominent and influential Church. As the head of Destiny Church International, Apostle Brian has the apostolic oversight of ten vibrant, thriving churches in New Zealand and one in Brisbane, Australia with several Iwi Tapu satellite groups throughout Australasia including an extensive online global viewership.

"All things work for your good and no enemy can stop your Kingdom endeavours"
- Pastor John Ferris
Our Beliefs
We are a church built on our Kingdom belief system.
We believe in the Word of God and our Apostle.
“Believe in the Lord your God, and you shall be established; believe His prophets, and you shall prosper.”
2 Chronicles 20:20
We believe in the divine inspiration and authority of the Bible.
It is the Word of God.
We believe in the existence of Heaven and Hell.
We believe there is one living God, the God of creation, who exists eternally in the three persons:
The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
We believe in the person, ministry and baptism of the Holy Spirit, with signs following.
We believe the church is the body of Christ, that it represents the manifold wisdom of God, and is His corporate expression of Christ on the earth.
We believe in the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, that He is the Son of God.
We believe in the need for every person to repent and be born again of water and the Holy Spirit, which is essential to enter the Kingdom of God.
We believe that Jesus is the head of His church and that the church comprises of all people who have been saved and born again of the Holy Spirit.
The church is God's only hope for the human race.
We believe in the virgin birth of Jesus, His sinless life, miracles, vicarious and atoning death, bodily resurrection and his ascension to the right hand of the Father.
We believe in His second coming and eventual eternal kingdom.
We believe in the sacraments of the Lord's Supper.
We believe it is the believer’s privilege and responsibility to bring their tithe and offerings to the local church.

Our History
Our greatest days are still ahead of us.
With Destiny Television going strong on TV2, the Destiny Auckland Call Centre were receiving many calls requesting a church to be planted in Hamilton. After many years of serving in Destiny Church Nelson as Assistant Pastors, Apostle Brian and Pastor Hannah Tamaki asked Pastors John and Ali to consider planting a new church in Hamilton.
With God already speaking to their hearts about Hamilton, it was a match made in Heaven and within a few months they had sold their home and shifted to Hamilton.

They arrived in Hamilton in 2002 with no confirmed place to live, no church building and knowing no one, all they knew was that they were called and sent.
In March 2002 at a special 7.00pm service, Apostle Brian launched the first Destiny Hamilton service to a packed out hall at Vardon Primary School.
The church grew rapidly with people being saved and added every weekend.
After 12-months, the church soon out grew the school hall and the decision was made to purchase a building on Te Rapa Road. The 1400-square-metre warehouse was converted into a modern complex with the latest sound system and interior design.
In 2016, Destiny Church Hamilton purchased the adjoining Mahana Road property that backs to make more room for the growth of the Church. The current premises is now being upgraded and the auditorium enlarged to fit a new generation of believers.